Sam's Top 5 Things to Know for Thursday

If you missed hearing the latest edition of Sam's Top 5 Things to Know, you can check out all the stories and links on this page or listen to the podcast of the segment below.

1. A knife-wielding man launched an attack in London yesterday.

A knife-wielding man went on a deadly rampage in the heart of Britain's seat of power yesterday, plowing a car into pedestrians on London's Westminster Bridge before stabbing a police officer to death inside the gates of Parliament. Five people were killed, including the assailant, and 40 others were injured in what Prime Minister Theresa May condemned as a "sick and depraved terrorist attack."

Lawmakers, lords, staff and visitors were locked down after the man was shot by police within the perimeter of Parliament, just yards from entrances to the building itself and in the shadow of the iconic Big Ben clock tower. He died, as did three pedestrians on the bridge, and the police officer.

2. Private communications of the president and his transition team may have been scooped up by U.S. intelligence officials monitoring other targets

Private communications of Donald Trump and his presidential transition team may have been scooped up by American intelligence officials monitoring other targets and improperly distributed throughout spy agencies, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, Republican Representative Devin Nunes', said yesterday — an extraordinary public airing of often-secret information that brought swift protests from Democrats.

Nunes’ comments led the committee's ranking Democrat, Adam Schiff, to renew his party's calls for an independent probe of Trump campaign links to Russia in addition to the GOP-led panel's investigation. Schiff also said he had seen "more than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia.

In back-to-back news conferences at the Capitol and then the White House — where he had privately briefed the president — Nunes said he was concerned by officials' handling of the communications in the waning days of the Obama administration.

3. The American Health Care Act is being voted on today, and it will be defeated if 23 Republicans join Democrats in voting “no”

The top Republican legislative priority in peril, President Donald Trump mentioned possible changes to the health care bill yesterday aimed at placating conservatives threatening to torpedo the legislation. The White House seemed to make progress with the hardliners while House leaders struggled with moderates ahead of a showdown vote.

Trump huddled at the White House with 18 lawmakers, a mix of supporters and opponents, Vice President Mike Pence saw around two dozen and House GOP leaders held countless talks with lawmakers at the Capitol. The sessions came as leaders rummaged for votes on a roll call they can ill-afford to lose without diminishing their clout for the rest of the GOP agenda.

4. Sears says there is “substantial doubt” that it will be able to keep its doors open

Sears, a back-to-school shopping destination for generations of kids, has said that after years of losing money that there is "substantial doubt" it will be able to keep its doors open. But it also insisted that its actions to turn around its business should help reduce that risk.

It was still a dramatic acknowledgment from the chain that owns Sears and Kmart stores, which has long held fast to its stance that a turnaround is possible, even as many of its shoppers have moved on to Wal-Mart, Target or Amazon.

Sears has survived of late mainly with millions in loans funneled through the hedge fund of Chairman and CEO Edward Lampert, but with sales fading it is burning through cash. Sears Holdings Corp. said late Tuesday it lost more than $2 billion last year, and its historical operating results indicated doubt about the future of the company that started in the 1880s as a mail-order catalog business.

5. Uber is taking orders in Twin Cities for 15 minutes of puppy love

The ride-sharing service announced that Uber subscribers can open their phone app today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for tail-wagging affection. The cost is $30, and Uber says a portion of the fee will go toward supporting its partner, Secondhand Hounds in Eden Prairie.

And if it’s love at first sight, according to Uber’s announcement, “some puppies may eligible for adoption. Just ask the rep assisting with your puppy delivery.”

The puppy love opportunity was first offered in the Twin Cities in 2016 on Valentine’s Day and has been offered in other U.S. cities.

Tune in weekday mornings at 6:20am to hear Sam's Top 5 LIVE on Justice & Drew AM1130 or 103.5fm.

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