Election Day 2017 Resources

It's Election Day and here are a few Voter Resources to help you. 

City of Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services

At the city's digital election center, you can find resources for voters, candidates and election judges; you can also find information on where and how to vote, navigate a sample ballot and learn how ranked-choice voting works

 Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State

The Secretary of State's office is a primary hub for voter registration information, polling places, certified election results and more. Among other tidbits, the site features information on what's needed to register to vote on election day, and tips for new voters

 Minnesota School Boards Association

The association's website has everything you need to know about Minnesota schools -- including a section devoted to 2017 operating levy results and 2017 bond referendum results

Ramsey County Elections and Voting

The city of St. Paul contracts with Ramsey County to host election resources. At the county site, voters can find easily-navigable voter, candidate and election judge resources, as well as a section for results, maps and archives. 

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